"...the earth is only 6000 years old-..."
Actually they teach (or taught) that the Earth was 48,000 years old. They said that the creative days were 7,000 years long and that the present one - the seventh creative day - was 6,000 years old.
"...the 144.000-..."
Yes and I even made a list of the individual scriptures that lead up to that conclusion. My list was more effective than the book they used to have to explain all doctrine (Make Sure of All Things, Hold Fas to What is Fine).
"...1914, based upon the destructiono of Jerusalem-..."
Yes and I was not impressed by the 1975 teaching so I was not disappointed when it came and went.
"...Harmagheddon or the end of the world coming soon????"
Yes and I based that on the 1914/Generation teaching.